This past week has been exhausting/exciting/stressful/sleep-depriving with our school's production of Aida (which Dana was in, being kawaii as heck, while I ran around backstage also being okay as heck), but it was all worth it. The cast, crew, and orchestra did an amazing job and every single person was so unbelievably amazing I cried, forealsies.
Anyways, even with all the busy work that went on this week, I had, at least, this outfit to present to you guys. This is actually a perfect example of my love for knee socks and skater skirts:
(Why am I always looking towards that side?)
BUFFALO EXCHANGE thrifted shirt // COTTON ON skirt // CHINESE LAUNDRY knee socks // MERONA wedges // FOREVER 21 kimono // TARGET X PHILLIP LIM bag
These were taken by my friend Christin before the show on Saturday. We had actually missed two trains that morning (story of our lives basically) and so she was gracious enough to take these for me.
I could write a 10,000 word review about how much I loved the musical this weekend but it would not show you how amazing it really was. I WANT TO SHOUT ABOUT IT TO EVERYONE. (But in all seriousness, my friends were all cute and I screamed a lot. Especially during "Dance of the Robe", "Gods Love Nubia" and "Easy as Life". And everything else. HELP ME OKAY I'LL SHUT UP NOW.)