Tuesday, July 30, 2013

take me to tokyo + playlist

As the doom and gloom of the upcoming school year creeps ever closer, it's time to consider revamping our wardrobes for the new semester. One way to do this is to expose oneself to trends around the world to catch a glimpse of fashion in places far from home.

Today, let's take a trip to the streets of Tokyo. Beneath the flashing lights and glass skyscrapers is a concrete parade of self-expression. Tokyo street style is something I've really been getting into this summer thanks to the contrast between fun colors and straight up grunge, the posh minimalism or the eclectic mish-mosh of patterns, and the wicked hair/shoe/accessory decisions. Here's a playlist of a few Japanese artists I like to get you in the mood:

Keep in mind that while I wouldn't necessarily wear all these outfits, I would definitely incorporate their elements into my own style! (All images are from Tumblr and are not my own creative property; if you are the owner or subject of one of these photos and want me to take them down, please contact me.)


 So, there's a taste of Tokyo for you. I honestly admire these people for being so bold and expressive; the ability to be daring is a fashion blessing. Love it? Hate it? Will you be investing in pastel hair or tattoo tights any time soon, or do you think Tokyo fash should stay where it is? Let us know!

love always, dana x

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